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Growth of Death in NYC

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NYC Death

In my project I will be talking about the amount of deaths that happen in NYC. What inspired me to make my project on this topic was the COVID-19 pandemic, which slowly escalated to deaths in general after I did more research. I felt like not many people really go over how many lives get taken and for what purpose. My goal is to show the statistics on how many people die based off of gender, year, and race and try to see if there is some pattern being shown. If a pattern does end up showing then what we can do to decrease such events from happening in the future. The data I am using today is taken from a source that lists data on deaths up to the year 2017.

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Before beginning my project, I had made a hypothesis that the leading causes of death would be due to sickness. I was not sure what sickness specifically, but I estimated it be something such as cancer. The tools I used in order to help prove this hypothesis was pd from pandas, np from numpy, and plt from matplotlib. I used a csv file from NYC Open Data as my material for this project, and the remaining two links to help give me a proper conclusion on the leading cause of deaths, and what procedures are required to help minimize such deaths

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Rate of Death by gender

In the python code I have written we can see here that the amount of deaths are just a little bit greater for females, then it is for males. These two totals show us that the difference between the amount of men and women's death is not too distant from one another. Therefore it can be assumed that gender does not has as much an impact on death, as the other methods I am about to introduce.

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Growth of Death by Race

In this second chart we can see the total amount of deaths based on race in NYC. Looking at the graph below, we can see that there is quite the difference in the amount of deaths that occur between each race. Based off of the data we have procured, we can see that Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic people have had the most deaths in NYC. The causes of death are mostly unclear within these cases. Though, the population average is unknown between each race in NYC, we can say that there are select groups that tends to die more than others.

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Cause of Death by Year

When looking at the amount of deaths per year, we can see that it stays between 50,000 to 55,000. The most noticeable changes would be 2012, which is the year we had the least amount of deaths, and 2017, which is the year we had the most amount of deaths. Although there is indeed a difference between each year, it does not seem big enough where it would tell us anything meaningful. Although I do believe it is necessary to point out how in the most recent years (2015-2017) it has been slowly increasing.

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Leading Cause of Death

Lastly, we have the chart that shows the causes of death. This graph has been the most meaningful in terms of results due to its ability to not only show us the amount of deaths, but also the cause of each death. From this graph it is simple to see that the main cause of death has been heart disease and cancer.

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Using my previous graphs, we can uncover the cause of all deaths happening in NYC. I believe it is most important to mention that the year and gender have very little amount of influence on the death rate. Although I will not deny that it is possible to affect some individuals lives who may have been bullied, harassed, or wrongfully accused due to their gender, I do believe that based off of the information that it is not an extreme influence on the overall death rate. Then we introduce race, and cause of death into the mix. Race is extremely tricky since the amount of each race living in NYC constantly fluctuates. Due to this we also introduce the cause of death graph and we can make an estimate on the main cause of overall deaths. Looking at the cause of death and race graphs, we can see that the main cause of death is heart disease and cancer. After the two main causes of death, there is also the other column to consider. It represents any death which happened to be in murders and suicides.

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Using the information above, it can be assumed that the best way to stop, or atleast limit the amount of deaths, is to put more money into medicine and counseling. We do this in order to further advance and help those who are in need of treatment. This is apparent for more severe cases such as heart disease or cancer. In terms of murder rates, improving law enforcement and enforcing stricter punishment can prevent these crimes such as murder from being committed. We should also try to build more institutions to help those who may be prone to severe depression and anxiety in order to decrease that amount of people capable of committing self harm.

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Method Used

I made bar graphs in order to compare how many deaths people had based off of years, gender, race, and cause. I also used a chart in order to accurately display the total amount of people dying for each case. Then used this information to come up with a proper hypothesis to help decrease the amount of casualties.

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